IN THE CHARMING LOCALLY-PRODUCED DOCUMENTARY “The Age of Love,” filmmaker Steven Loring follows the first-of-its-kind senior speed-dating event, held right here in Rochester. Meant exclusively for singles aged 70 to 90, the event allows 30 seniors (15 women and 15 men) to get a second chance at finding love.
It’s admittedly a somewhat cutesy sounding premise, but the film works so well because of the sense that Loring is determined to treat his subjects with the dignity they deserve.
Throughout the film, we meet several of the men and women participating in the event, following them through the excited early anticipation, the speed-dating event itself, and then tagging along for (a portion) of the dates that result. A few of the seniors are looking for love, but most are extremely pragmatic about what they’re hoping to find at the event. Many of these men and women have lost spouses over the years, either through divorce or death, and they’ve got no expectations of meeting another love of their lives.
What they’re looking to find is the same thing any of us are: a companion to sit by our side and avoid facing the process of aging alone. Contrary to what society constantly seems to tell us, growing older doesn’t mean that we cease to have the same desires as anyone else, and it’s heartening to see “The Age of Love” take those desires seriously.