Saturday, June 17th, 2023 •
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Reviewed by Jim Zurak, Villages-News — May, 2023
The filmmaker kicks off a month’s run at The Old Mill Playhouse in the world’s largest senior living community
STEVEN LORING IS THE PRODUCER AND DIRECTOR OF A DOCUMENTARY WHOSE CORE IS THE QUEST FOR COMPANIONSHIP, friendship and possibly even love within a community of seniors whose lives are often lonely and searching for that which they may have known and have now lost.
It is the story of 30 single seniors. 15 men and 15 women. They are diverse in backgrounds, lifestyles, expectations and dreams. Some have been married and divorced. Others having suffered the losses of loving spouses. What they all share is a desire to somehow fill the void in their lives of simply being alone.
Is it possible for seniors aged 70 to 90 years of age to pursue their quest to meet that someone who might share a walk in the park, or a movie or simply a fulfilling conversation of revelation and sharing by attending and participating in the novelty of Senior Speed Dating?
This is their story, and this is the reality of hope, expectation, disappointment and rejection. It is also the story of searching for that which has been lost and might once more be found. Continue Reading
Friday, July 1st, 2022 •
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by Monique Threatt, Head of Media, Herman B. Wells Library, Indiana University — June 15, 2022
” ✓ Highly Recommended”
THE AGE OF LOVE IS A DELIGHTFUL AND UNIQUE FEATURE-LENGTH DOCUMENTARY about finding love from the perspective of senior citizens. The opening plays like a reality television show where 30 divorcees/widowers discuss their past love and relationship and are now hoping to start anew in their twilight years.
The documentary revolves around a speed dating event for people 70 to 90 years young in Rochester, New York, the first of its kind. Prior to and during the event, director Steven Loring spends time with the participants filming and interviewing them to learn about their motivations for dating, as well as their endgame from participating in a speed dating event.
Loring expertly interviews the participants with intimate questions which reveals that dating in the 70s and 90s isn’t that fundamentally different than how the dating scene works for people in their 20s and 30s. Continue Reading
Thursday, May 19th, 2022 •
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by Nunzio Santoro, Video Librarian — May 16, 2022
REGARDLESS OF OUR BIOLOGICAL AGE, WE HAVE AN INNATE NEED FOR LOVE. Generally speaking, humans tend to view romance as scheduled by specific circumstances and strict age ranges. It is an ageist thought dynamic that is detrimental to a lot of people’s self-esteem. Steven Loring’s documentary finely captures a side of the older generations that, on a broader basis and within a larger societal perspective, is often underlooked.
One of the most common misconceptions about single baby boomers and other past generations is that having experienced a fulfilling life or saying goodbye to their lifelong partners, they must accept spending the rest of their lives by themselves. The Age of Love shatters that ageist stereotype by revealing the elderly community’s inner youth and drive for life that translates into dreams of future budding romances. Continue Reading
Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 •
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by Craig Takeuchi, May 9, 2015
FROM VIAGRA TO INTERNET DATING, CULTURAL SHIFTS AND NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN SENIOR SEXUALITY have increasingly come into focus in the media and scientific studies. Forget about Sex and the City, it’s the time of Sex and the Seniors.
In The Age of Love, in which filmmaker Steven Loring chronicles the frequently amusing, sometimes moving experiences of 10 elders, between the ages of 70 and 90 years old, who try out the first senior speed-dating event in Rochester, New York.
The spirited cast of characters ranges from the adventure-addicted Addie, who does everything from skydiving to dating tribal chiefs to backpacking through Southeast Asia, and Frank, a bodybuilding champion in the over-80s division, to Matt, who is self-conscious about lugging around an oxygen tank. Continue Reading
Thursday, February 12th, 2015 •
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by Marjorie Skinner, Managing Editor, 2.11.2015
THE AGE OF LOVE‘S OSTENSIBLE CENTERPIECE IS A SPEED-DATING EVENT for participants between the ages of 70 and 90.
Director Steven Loring takes advantage of the occasion as an opportunity to connect with its single-senior participants—widows, divorcées, people who simply never married—but his documentary ends up being less about speed dating and more of a candid exploration of people who are often assumed to no longer want romantic lives.
Film subjects typically appeal to their peers, but I submit that young people should watch (and make) more films that deal with the later stages of life. It’s a function of youth obsession that The Age of Love seems so offbeat, Continue Reading
Sunday, November 30th, 2014 •
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By Kathy Kaiser,, 11.17.2014
DIRECTOR/PRODUCER AND CINEMATOGRAPHER STEVEN LORING brings to the screen a documentary for anyone who has ever longed for that loving feeling – even if you’re 90 – with his latest creation THE AGE OF LOVE.
As we meet 30 seniors who live in and around Rochester New York, they are all on the same journey – looking for love and companionship. When a local radio station decides to host a speed dating night for adults 70-90, it opens up a new opportunity that these mature men and women have never experienced before – but are definitely willing to try out. Continue Reading
Sunday, October 19th, 2014 •
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By Erich Van Dussen, Gatehouse Media Syndicate, 10.17.2014

FIRST-TIME DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER STEVEN LORING HAS ROARED OUT OF THE GATE with The Age of Love, a bright and respectfully playful feature that throws a spotlight on an unsung population segment: senior citizens, seeking companionship, romance and maybe more. Local audiences who haven’t already bought tickets currently have one chance to see this movie – some seats are still available for the 6:30pm show tonight at the Little Theatre, 240 East Ave. in Rochester. Consider it highly recommended. Continue Reading
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 •
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By Adam Lubitow 10.15.2014
IN THE CHARMING LOCALLY-PRODUCED DOCUMENTARY “The Age of Love,” filmmaker Steven Loring follows the first-of-its-kind senior speed-dating event, held right here in Rochester. Meant exclusively for singles aged 70 to 90, the event allows 30 seniors (15 women and 15 men) to get a second chance at finding love.
It’s admittedly a somewhat cutesy sounding premise, but the film works so well because of the sense that Loring is determined to treat his subjects with the dignity they deserve. Continue Reading
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 •
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By Brenda Lind, AARP Community Engagement Specialist

YOU MAY THINK THAT FINDING LOVE IN LIFE should be left mainly to the younger set, but, after seeing “The Age of Love,” the documentary, you will change your mind. In the words of the film’s director, Steven Loring, “After seeing this movie, you will never look at your parents or grandparents the same way again. And that’s a good thing.” Continue reading